Old NA Sponsor/Sponsee Worksheets - Step 1
This is based on the Old Mimeographed Sponsor/Sponsee worksheet. This and others like it were used as models when the World Literature Committee of NA began its work on the Step-working guide. We've come quite a way since then. I still use these with my sponsees as a quicker way to go through the first round steps. Many have done several rounds of steps with me.
The instructions I received when working the First Step was that the step needed to be applied to all areas of our lives if we are to be successful at walking on this path of recovery. This is called LIVING the Steps. The bottom line is that drugs are just one symptom of our disease. The only relief we get from our disease, in all its manifestations, is by working the Steps. It is a new and exciting experience that will bring many changes into our lives and help you create and live a life beyond your wildest dreams.
Instructions: Get a notebook and write down one question at a time followed by your answer. When you are done, share the answers with your sponsor honestly and openly, much like you do when you step into a meeting and self-identify yourself when you're raise your hand and say you’re an addict. This worksheet is also meant to give you an understanding of your relationship and understanding with your disease and how NA may help.
1. Write your own definition of "admitted."
2. What is your definition of “powerless”?
3. What is the nature of your addiction?
4. In the dictionary, look up and write out the definition of "powerless".
5. Write how you were powerless over your addiction when using.
6. Why is ‘admitting’ we suffer from the disease of addiction so important?
7. Describe some of the things/situations you are currently powerless over.
8. Describe some of the ways you have been isolating.
9. How good are you at being a part of something?
10. What do you have to offer to the "we" of N.A.?
11. What does the word "were" mean as used in the 1st step?
12. What is the disease of addiction?
13. Why is being clean not enough?
14. Give 5 examples of how your life was unmanageable in your addiction?
15. Give 5 examples of how your life was or is unmanageable in recovery?
16. How do I apply the First Step in my life today?
17. How are our Steps different than any other 12 Step programs?
18. Am I willing to accept the Steps as a way to live?
19. What does "had become" mean when used in the 1st Step?
20. Who/what managed your life when using and who manages your life in recovery?
21. What does sponsorship have to do with the 1st Step?
22. Write out benefits of accepting your powerlessness over your addiction.
23. Write out the benefits of surrendering your life to N.A.
One last thing that must be pointed out is the "WE" portion of this Step and all our Steps. All our Steps begin with WE except for the 12th, which has the word WE in the center. This makes us different than any other 12 Step program.
Narcotics Anonymous is a "WE" program not a me program. Part of our strength and power comes from WE. Together we can. I can't, WE can. This is why we need meetings for the rest of our lives. This is why we need contact daily with other recovering addicts.
A statement many newcomers may' ask is, "If I stop using, I should be cured and I don't need the program or meetings anymore." The only way I know to clear up this denial is to answer this way. A non-addict (a non-addict is a person who does not have the addictive personality) who goes to the hospital for an operation is given a physically addictive drug for pain during a period of two weeks. If he becomes physically addicted they detox him and he goes on with his life without any problem. However, addicts with the disease of addiction, having addictive personalities are unable to just stop with no problems, we were addicted long before we used.